Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Enjoying cabin fever

Today is our second day inside from the sub-freezing temps in the DFW area. My boys and I are having a good time eating all the food in the house, napping, and playing. Tiny tot is fighting some major drainage and cough and it is just plain pitiful. Luckily, the smart kid knows how to blow his nose at 15 months. Cuteness.

Yesterday while watching him play with all of his toys in the living room, C decides to open one of the bottom drawers to our entertainment center. He lifts his long leg and gets a toe hold, pulls up using the shelf, lifts the other leg into the drawer and takes a seat. For 20 minutes the boy sat in that drawer looking at all of his dvd cases. Pic to follow...

Again today I am watching him play and he decides he needs my phone, and in order to get to it, he must get up on the couch. Last week, his daddy showed him that by using the ottoman, he can get a toe hold and pull up. Remembering his climbing lesson by daddy, he leans onto the ottoman, hikes a leg up and pulls..TA-DA. Look! Mommy! I am now on the couch and coming towards your phone!! Sweet.

Last funny for the day: My family eats all of its meals at our dining table. For the last 2 meals, when I have noticed that C is finished with his food, he lifts his plate and reaches it as far out as he can to put it on the big table as if to say "Im finished, no more!". Thinking it was just a fluke thing last night, this morning at breakfast he lifts the plate and pushes it away, and I ask if he is all-done and I get a confirmation nod of head. Smart.