Monday, August 23, 2010


We have our first word spoken with understanding of its usage!
Connor said Bye-Bye aka Buh-Bye. Disney channel has these monkey puppets that sing a bye-bye song when Mickey goes off for the morning and it goes something like this:
Sunday morning, the song came on and I started singing with Connor and he says "buh-bye" right on cue! HUH?! The kid knows where to use the word?..awesomeness.
The remainder of the day, I cued him to see if it was a fluke, and he said it again.
So fun, just glad his first word wasn't "NO." ha

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Little Gym fun, July 2010
Big smiles waiting for Elmo at Sea World, Aug 2010The boys hanging with Elmo!
I see SHAMU!!
First hand clapping at Sea World, Aug 2010
Mama and Baby
Precious precious face
Jackson3 with Bert and Ernie
Loving his breakfast with Elmo

Baby Babbles continued

My post yesterday was incomplete and I was bothered by the fact, so I return today with more thoughts.

As the title states "Baby Babbles", I come to share my wee-one's baby babbles at 9.5 months.
-When Connor gives slobbery yummy baby kisses we call it "love love". After hearing this all of his life, he can now make the sound "love love" (in baby talk of course it sounds like Luh,luh). So cute!
-Several times you can hear him trying to say I love you which sounds something like u uv ooo. We confirm what he is saying and repeat it 20 times to try to get him to say it over and over. We aren't excited or anything.
-He has been heard saying HI a couple of times now. Plain as day, he hears the phone ring and says HI. Is this coincidence or is my child a genius? I choose the latter..
-Reading books. C loves to read books, and will sit in the floor with is books for long stretches of time just flipping the pages, chewing the edges, and "reading" the book. A small voice can be heard as he creates his little story. Precious. His favorite books are at his nanny's house of course and include: I'm a little teapot (which has a spin wheel on the side to make the picture turn on the page, and he figured the wheel out this week).His next favorite is the "5 little monkeys" book.
-Clapping. While we were at Sea World, C clapped his hands together with noise for the first time. I have been watching and waiting for this moment since he has been keeping his hands closed to clap. And we got to see it, together, on vacation. Now, he claps all the time when you say clap-clap. And he grins of course!

Girls Girls Girls!! Our son is quite the ladies man. Any venue we attend, C will spot a pretty girl/lady and give her goo-goo eyes, toothy grins, and his full attention. Case in point, we went to the Rangers game on mom's birthday, and behind us sat this couple with a lady about my age (don't even go there! lol), and he spotted her and continued to flirt the entire game. She couldn't get enough of his cuteness because the whole game she kept talking to him and I could over hear her talking about how cute he was. Well of course he is cute! :-)
Connor's second big flirting adventure was on my birthday. We met my friend V and her hub Mario at Olive Garden. A couple our age was sat at the booth behind our table, and C spotted this lil blonde girl wearing her stylish sun type hat, and it was all over. I told the guy that he now had competition. The girl giggled the whole time because C wouldn't take his eyes off her. He would grin at her and make babbles. It made for a fun evening.
Speaking of my birthday, I had a great day even though I had a one year anniversary of my 30th bday. GAG! Anyways, since we had just taken vacation the week before I returned to work on a Monday which was my birthday, another GAG. Trying to play catch up, sad that I was at work on my bday, and missing my boys, I look up from my desk about 1:00 to see 2 handsome guys walk in the front door of the office. My boys came to take me to lunch. I seriously couldn't stop grinning for an hour, I felt special. It turned into a great day, and I could get used to seeing those 2 in the middle of the day, everyday.

Maybe my next post will be all pictures so you don't have to read my boring prose...
Much love~~

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Baby Boy Babbles

OOPS! Is all I can say for the 4 weeks that have passed with no blogging. Oh well, it has been a busy time. In mid July, my nephews Cam and Coop came down for a week and completely fell in love with Connor. Seeing those 3 boys play together can melt a mama's heart. My lil one wanted to be as big as the 2 big boys, and he tried so hard. They took such good care of him, Cam even changed diapers! Thanks bud! The best part was walking into mom's front door to have Connor melt onto Camren and cover him with love love, and he did the same for Cooper. Precious.
The next weekend, the brother and sis-in-law came down, and we had a lake day on Lake Whitney. Beautiful lake, beautiful sunshine, blast on the sea-doos, and more love from my was a great day! While I am speaking of that lake day, my hub was pulling me on the seadoo while I was kneeboarding. Well, I was trying to be strong and mighty and hold on through the chop and I hit a wave, flew into the air, and instead of letting go of the rope, I held on only to fall face first in the water. Neck cranked backwards and still attached the kneeboard and feeling like I was drowing and couldn't get face up in the water (this really lasted like 1 second). I come up, hub pulls around and I am laying in the lake like a dead woman, and he asks if I am ok. All I can say is, I dont' know! I don't know! I really thought I had injured my 30 year old back. As the afternoon went on, my sore neck got more and more stiff, but I just laughed. Next morning, even worse, but as of today I am all better with no lake injuries plaguing me.
The next weekend, my bff Shelly and her hub Nic were making plans to come down for a visit. The plan fell through but I got to see her anyways. Shel called early Saturday morning to tell me her dad was not breathing and the ambulance was on its way to her mom's house. Long story short, Tony had a scare and was in a drug-induced coma for a week. Praise God that he woke up and is making healing progress. John and I drove to OKC to be with Shelly and her family because the outcome was unknown that day and I wanted to be with her. It was a very traumatic day, and I never want to see her or her family or my family in this scary unknown life threatening place. Prayers were answered though and I can't wait to go see them again, not in the hospital!
Onto vacation! Hub and I took baby to Sea World in San Antonio. Had a blast, Connor was so happy and cheery the whole time. Our hotel was quite loud but that is our only vacation complaint. Saturday morning Connor got to have breakfast with Elmo. This was our favorite part of the trip (besides the first clapping of hands that Connor did at one of the shows and J and I were giddy lil parents!) I was nervous that C would be scared of Elmo, but not my lil hoss. He loved Elmo and Bert and Ernie! We couldn't stop grinning at C who in turn couldn't take his eyes off of the life-sized characters. Fun times, great memories, and pics to follow..