Friday, March 26, 2010

New day, New life

Let me ask for a free pass on creative writing for this post. I haven't had much sleep and the creative section of my brain is completely malfunctioning.

Just sitting in OKC patiently waiting for Anderson Lee to make his debut. April has been in great spirits while little Andy was giving her some good contractions. While we are in the waiting room, my little one is sound asleep on his Nanny. He had an early morning and a late night so lots of sleep to catch up on.

Connor and I had a busy week this week as I got to bring him to work with me this week. Nanny and Pops took a mini vacation to Colorado. It was fun having him with me at the office, and who cares that it took me a while to get work done, seeing his precious little face every second made it a great week.

Our new thing this week is spitting and fist chewing. We went from blowing bubbles to full blown spitting with our tongue. Also, gurgling. I lay him on his back and he gets his spit built up in the back of his throat and gurgles it and laughs. A very funny adorable activity.

I know there are so many more things to update you all on, but I just can't find the words this morning. Maybe I will revisit the post later.

I want to end with thanking God for the blessing of family. My favorite times in life are being with my family. With new life coming today, and my new baby, it is just amazing what God can do in his perfect time. Thank you for reading our blog and loving our family, we love you in return.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A lil sunshine does wonders on the soul

I come to the blog in a happy mood today because my God has blessed us with a sky full of sunshine! And oh it feels so good in the soul. Thank you My Jesus!!

I also come to the blogging world today to fill in on our 4 month old bundle of happy happy joy. I realize the happiness is pouring out of me like syrup today, but I just can't help it.

Hercules had his 4 month checkup on Monday March 1. We have one tall baby on our hands..who would have thought?! Ha!. His length came in at 25.5 (70%!!!); weight was 14.10 (45%) and his head circumfrence was 16.5 (45%). He is just a perfect perfect baby.(sorry for the mush..hey wait, no I'm not!!).

Our pediatrician office is adorable with paintings of circus images and zoo animals. There are mirrors on the wall behind the tables where the baby lays. Dr. Fikkert did her exam and asked all the developmental questions (of which Connor is performing with flying colors). As she finished his exam, she plopped him on his belly, and he immediately went into his mini-push up with that adorable head held up high and he was looking in the mirror at her just grinning and happy. I just had to laugh, it was just one of those cute baby moments where you realize how they are becoming so aware of their surroundings.

Since C is a tummy sleeper only (don't turn me into the American Pediatric Association) our doctor told me to remove the bumper pad in order to decrease the chance of him breathing into the pad and not getting enough clean oxygen. I was hesitant to do this, but I also want him safe from SIDS. The first night I removed the pad, C didn't move at all from his sleeping spot. This is unusual because he is quite the wiggler. But last night, he wiggled himself to the end of the crib and his foot was hanging out. I am not sure about this still, but will continue to make sure we are safe. Any ideas or suggestions, please pass them along.

I can't recall if I mentioned that C is rolling over from tummy to back. Last week, I was picking him up from mom's and I had told her that I hadn't seen him roll over much in a week or two. Her reply was funny and true.. well we really don't put him on his tummy since we hold him or entertain him all the time. (sorry mom if that wasn't exact). So that night when I got home, I immediately plopped him on his tummy in the floor and low and behold, he rolled over. I was so ecstatic, that I grabbed the video camera, repositioned him, and in about 2 minutes, he did it again and I caught in on camera! My first action shot caught on camera, Yay!!

We, the Jackson3, are sooo looking forward to spring and some warmer temps to get that baby outside to explore a whole new world than inside the house. I can already tell he is so attentive to details and very inquisitive as most babies are, and I am chomping at the bit to get him outside. Looking forward to the first dirt under the fingernails! Haha. Oh, and maybe even to run some! I haven't done much running, the schedule just doesn't allow right now with driving and baby and working. It will all work out and I know I will get a half marathon in this summer. I just set a goal! Yay.

As always, blessings to you all and I hope you enjoy the update!!