Thursday, September 9, 2010

Running, walking, reading

I have no idea what my last post says so if I repeat myself, I apologize in advance.
Ten months ago I had this precious little packaged delivered to me, and every single day since then he has brought smiles to my face, fireworks to my heart, and love to my soul. Feeling sappy is pretty normal for me lately seeing as how I just placed an order for First Birthday party invitations. What? Can this be real? Has an ENTIRE YEAR already flown by? Well, almost, close enough for me.

I can't imagine life without Connor and his personality and the "little person" he is becoming. He takes change with ease (unlike his mommy) and he has something amazing to bring into each day. For example..
*At 8 months, I started to wean my lil one from nursing and by 9.5 months we were completely weaned of our special bond; however, with great ease C took his bottle morning, noon, and night and never fussed or disagreed. He still cuddles close to me and looks into my eyes, and plays with my lips or tries to put his adorably large baby feet into my mouth as he eats.
*More amazement comes from his ability to learn. Yea yea, all babies are like sponges and learn, but this kid, seriously, amazes me how quickly he takes in something I think I am teaching him.
*Put this IN the box, now take it OUT of the box. He can do this after one afternoon lesson and a refresher the next morning. I almost fell over watching him study the box, open the lid, put the item in when I said IN, and then he took out the same. This stuff is cool.
*His smile in return to anything you say or do for him. I would like to think I am raising a happy, healthy, grateful child, and so far I can say this is so. I just hope we can keep it up. I love the little boy C is turning into.

T.V, who needs t.v? I really have no desire to watch television anymore. I have no clue when shows start, end, or who is on them. With working and mommyhood and wifery and trying to fit running schedule in too, I have not time for t.v. and this is ok. It is WAY more fun to chase around a 10 month old through the house making sure he doesn't fall on his head or climb the tree or all that dangerous baby doings.

Walking! Well, we are close. Labor day weekend we got to spend some quality time at home, and C loved having his mom and dad to be his audience 24/7. We have a couch and a chair with an ottoman. I connected the ottoman between the couch and chair giving C a full obstacle course to try to walk around. He can hold on and walk, but the test was "Hey Connor, come get this toy from mommy (just out of reach)". He grins that beautiful grin and giggles and here he comes.....One step...hands to the ground and fallllllll. We did this repeatedly. It is kind of ironic to me how close puppy training and child raising are to each other. Right? I knew you would agree.

Reading! I am sure I used this in my last post, but C is loving his books. Ignoring almost all other toys, he loves his books every day. His quest is to turn the pages methodically, and he is getting really good at this. To adults, these simple tasks seems so simple until you watch your child patiently try to master a challenge, like opening a book on his own and turning the pages.

Sleeping! Oh yea baby, we finally made it to the all night mark. It took 9.5 months to get there, but everyone said it would happen, and it did. Bottle, hugs and rocks, and baby to bed, a few tears, and a few minutes later and we have a 10 hour sleeping baby. Join with me....Hallelujah.
(side note: I knew I would and I said I would..miss those mid morning feedings. Miss them just for the time I had with C, but loving the sleep and the brain functioning that follows).

Thanks for reading...Happy Days to you..