Thursday, December 9, 2010

Holly jolly Holiday time!

I finally got around to getting Connor to his one year picture session (at 13 months old). Better late than never I suppose. One year session was a complete night and day experience compared to the previous sessions over his one year of life. We have a walker, talker, mover shaker on our hands so we didn't get too many "great" shots, but we got enough for Christmas cards and for some great print outs. Poor lil guy was hungry and tired, and considering those things on top of the studio's camera flash not working and our slow as molasses photographer who refused to snap those priceless shots- we did pretty good.

This week C has started signing on his own. We've been practicing this since he was about 6 months old, but this week we have gotten thank you and more signed to us at the correct time. I can't help but giggle when his lil fingers tap together to sign 'more' when he is eating. I love watching a child actually "grasp" an idea/subject. Amazing.

Still hasn't said "mama" yet, but has "dada" down perfectly. Can almost say "deer", can say "up" and point, and basically just points and grunts to everything he wants or needs. According to babycenter for 13 month old, we are right on track.

Mommy ran her first half marathon since having lil C man, and it was a great day for a 13.1 mile run. I shaved a few minutes off my last half time so that is something to celebrate. Still addicted to running, just going to take it slow during the winter and this DARKNESS. Is anyone else dreading these dark evenings? They make me so sleepy and lazy. Ugh.

Getting excited to see the Colorado mountains at Christmas-time, and for jolly old St. Nick to make an appearance at our home.

Until we blog again..