Thursday, April 29, 2010

My baby is 6 months old!

Yet another FULL month has gone by without my blogging. Oh well I say, since life has been so full of busy things. Mainly baby, but we just got moved into our new house. Well, it's 2 years old but perfectly new to us! No more freakishly dangerous stairs, no more scary electrical system from 1969, and no more patio as a backyard. I could go on and on about the things I love about the new house, but this is more about my angel baby than material things. But we are loving the house so much, and this mommy is so happy about not having to drive all day to and fro to get anywhere now! What a blessing.
And speaking of blessings, I have one Major heaven-sent blessing in my son. People always say that nothing prepares you for motherhood, and I have found that they are right. I never dreamed that my heart could literally burst inside from joy and happiness. It is it's own kind of happiness and joy-basically indescribable. So this angel baby of mine, turned 6 months old yesterday. I was just reading Aprils blog about how fast time goes and how fast our babies grow up, and I was thinking to myself, How TRUE that is! These precious times when they are small just don't last very long at all, and it really isn't fair. But I do savor EACH and EVERY moment I have with that baby boy.
As usual, I like to update on what my hercules baby is doing. First off, he rolled over from back to tummy yesterday at mom's-that was his first time. HE has the other roll pretty much down, but this one has eluded him until now. Connor rolls over really fast so he gets this startled look on his face that makes me grin and cheer for him so he knows he did a good job! We have a crawler on our hands! Yay! 2 weeks ago we got the inchworm or army crawl, and now and then we get up on all 4's and take a lunge forward while reaching out for a toy in sight. He is definitely adamant about things when he wants them. He LOVES watching the puppy dogs run around, I, on the other hand, am despising dogs lately. Stinky, hairy, barky and whiney, I could do without them right now but that's a soap box I don't want to get on right now.
When I leave for work from mom's, she walks outside with Connor. He immediately starts wiggling to get turned around to face outward, and as she turns him around his legs and arms are flailing. He is amazed by the world outside, and I can't wait to see those chubby toes playing in the grass.
One of my many favorite things about this baby is his happiness when he wakes up in the mornings. I go into his room after I wake up from hearing him on the monitor, and when I walk in and say "Good Morning Punkin Pie!!", he turns that head up to me and just grins that grin that makes a momma's heart pitter patter! Then it isn't 2 seconds and he is ready to chow down. I have a good eater on my hands for sure.
We started food at 4.5 months, and he did great liking all foods we gave him. Then after a couple of weeks, we noticed that he was puking more than normal. Connor has always been a very "happy" spitter as my doctor would call it. Anyways, we thought that maybe his tummy just wasn't ready for the food, so we took a 2 week break, but the spitting/puking didn't change. We are now having food again, he loves it, and we will hope the doc was right when she said at 6 months he will stop the spitting up. Haha, we will see. As of yesterday, he was still a puker!
Lastly for today, we talk about the sippy cup. What 6 month old can use a sippy cup and know how to use it? Well, mine can! Mom and I gave him some apple juice Sunday in a sippy cup, and he tipped that thing back, and went to town. He loves juice! It was one of those proud momma moments for sure.
I am sure there are things I am leaving out since I delayed posting a new blog for 4 weeks, and I don't have new pics of the house, or an updated pic of my baby. But my next post will be all pics. That's what you all look at anyways! :-) Admit it!!
Love and Blessings from the Jackson3~~~