Friday, July 16, 2010

Growling, crawling, smiling

I have been wanting to share these funny baby things for a few days now and just haven't made time to blog it but today is the day, hooray! This week we have a few fun new things going on with Connor..mainly he has become quite the little lion and can growl the cutest baby growl ever. Now, most of you who know me, know that I dislike scary voices, creepy soundover type things and low and behold my son can growl a growl that is almost scary yet still cute because he is grinning. I think if it weren't for the adorable grin, I would actually think there was a monster in there. We actually ask him if he is a monster when he does this. Maybe I can catch it on camera soon and get it posted (yea right).
Besides our little growl, Connor is learning temper tantrums, I want that now! I don't want you to do that! I am mad so I will scream now! His scream is pretty loud, and since his mommy and daddy are not the most quiet people ever, this isn't surprising. It started out kind of cute, but now it is becoming the real deal, fit throwing. I don't like the word NO being used in every 5 seconds with my son, so we try other things, but this week No and UH-UH are working well to stop his action that could cause harm.
Crawling is a piece of cake these days. My new favorite thing is to be able to run around the house picking and putting up only to look behind me and see my punkin pie crawling along grinning like it is a game. It is so fun to wait for him to come find me when I leave the room. I can hear this lil giggle and those hands and knees pattering on the carpet and then there he is! Right at me feet. So fun! We have mastered pulling up and will pull up on anything whether or not it is a sturdy surface. This gives mommy heart palpitations, but I am trying hard not to hold his arm every second of every day. A few bumps and bruises never hurt anyone, right? So far, he has had a bumped/bruised cheekbone, some teeny tiny bruised knees because he loves to crawl on tile and wood. I would say those are the worst of his injuries, thank goodness!
Smiling! I have truly been blessed with a baby who smiles a smile that literally lights up the world. Everyone who meets Connor says what a happy baby he is, this makes his mama happy. We try to give him such love and cuddles so that he is safe and happy and I hope this happy baby stays happy for many many more years!
The Little Gym: about a month ago, I signed up for a class for Connor at the little gym in our hometown. Classes are set up for all ages starting at 4 months all the way up to big kids. Connor is in the "Bugs" class with his 2 other little buddies: 3 boys (imagine that, more boys). The other 2 boys are one month older than Connor and are a little ahead of him, but not by much. They can stand a little steadier and hold on to the bar for longer periods, but other than that my hercules keeps up with the best of them. This week was Bring a Friend day, and I brought my sweet friend, Sam and her baby boy Grayson. What fun we had! I think Sam and I had the most fun by watching our wee one's smiles and grins. Watching 2 babies interact with each other is like watching puppies play, it's just adorable to see them soaking it all in. And on top of that, Sam and I got our workout in too; we were sweating from holding and rolling and playing with these babies. Thank Jesus for sweet friends!
High five. Oh yes, my baby is smart and can give high 5 on command now. It makes my heart burst when he does it because he grins like he did something good! Awesome to teach and see learning!
Rangers. Connor got to go with mommy, daddy, Nanny and Pops to the Rangers game last weekend. He had a blast and the noise didn't bother him this time. Some 20somethings behind us were having a great time chatting and entertaning Connor. Of course, C would put on his adorable grin and they would all just get the biggest kick out of him and how cute he is. So funny. At the end of the game were the awesome Ranger fireworks in which my tired angel fell asleep, he was pooped. I held the sleeping baby while we enjoyed some rocking fireworks, they put on a great show to some good tunes.
Love. I end with Love. My heart is full of it every single day and I couldn't be happier. Please be sure and give your loved ones hugs and kisses today and tell them how much you love them...